Saturday 22 September 2007


So sad it is to read such news.

Yes I'm referring to the recent gruesome murder of a young girl that happened in Petaling Jaya.

So the father has come to accept that it is adik Nurin found in that sports bag, his daughter, and I feel sad and angry for him...for our society. Why do these sickos do it? Not just this case but so many others too.

I have mental debates about how their minds work but I have no conclusion. I shouldn't anyways. The human psyche is a complex thing. Psychological problem? The way they were brought up and exposed to the world outside? The XYY gene that makes them biologically violent? Revenge? I can go on wondering.

But why? Even animals don't kill their own species for dominance or some twisted sexual pleasure. At least I do not know of it. They fight but they don't kill themselves. It is sad that we, gifted with more intelligence and potential to reach for the previously unreachable, still have among us those who misuse our human capabilities. Maybe that's why there're religions and philosophy to keep the human race on track.

While we may never live in a perfect society, I pray that all the people of our nation and the world will eventually learn to love the right way. I pray that those who are lost find the right path again through religion and I pray for those who have thoughts of or have committed the unspeakable to repent and find peace within themselves to live to better the society. No bad deeds will ever reap benefits.

There will always be hope for a better society.

Saturday 8 September 2007

Esmee Denters


I was listening to Mariah Carey on YouTube (clearly wasting my time again; not revising, singing along et al...) and I found this video of a talented girl.

Don't mind the video quality, just use your ears.

Her name's Esmee Denters, go check her site out:

Good voice. Better singing.

Wonder if she's made her debut...?

Okie, off I go now...back to linguistics.

PS: me exam's on Monday o.O

Thursday 6 September 2007

A Poem for the Short Attention Span

I sit and stare
as a fart escapes my butt,
Oh darn it's tough
trying to mould my attention
into a trustworthy sword
that slices and evades
all distractions that come my way.

Yes my battle still lies with my vagabond brain, not the books. Sob.