Sunday 9 March 2008


I finished the novel Stardust by Neil Gaiman today and contrary to the movie which I adore whole-heartedly, the story ended with me feeling melancholic.

I loved the movie so much I wanted to read the real stuff, the original version of the story but now I think I'd happily settle for the movie version.

As much as I find the world of Faerie intriguing, fascinating and magical, I could not find the warmth and longing to be in that world I had felt when I was engrossed in the movie. It lacked the very essence which made me fall in love with the movie in the first place. You know, I came out of the velvety cinema with this perfectly woozy feeling.

I didn't understand how the star, Yvaine could fall in love with Tristran because Neil made it so sudden. Like we were not allowed into these two characters' mind and secret thoughts as readers to understand the characters. I'd have loved to have seen it coming with more clarity. I felt as though Yvaine in the novel was almost obliged to fall for Tristran.

Instead of all the wonderful cosiness, I come out of reading with this sadness because the story ended with a sad note. Dah lah the romance lost its kick, Neil had to end it with the sense of loneliness.

The last paragraph that nailed glumness upon me being:
"They say that each night, when the duties of state permit, she climbs, on foot, and limps, alone, to the highest peak of the palace, where she stands for hour after hour, seeming not to notice the cold peak winds. She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars."

Call it empathy but I felt so sad that Yvaine could never go back to where she came from. Plus, she's immortal, Tristran wasn't, he expired. And no one know what she is now. She's likely the only left who knows herself because those who knew had taken the secret with them to their graves. Her family's out of reach, her lover's beneath the earth.

How lonely.

I need to listen to some perky music now. Ciao.


Lin said...

Really?! the book's sad?! oh dear...and I wanted to read it too =(
I prefer the movie too then =P I had that woozy feeling to when I finished watching it on the plane, on the way back to Penang...I so wanted to shout to someone "Stardust is a great movie!!!" but I didn't know how to shout that to..LOL
Anyway, you take care *hugs*

Liz / Ying Xiang said...

Ah, well darling, just read it la. I loved how Neil wrote.

Lin said...

oh, ok!! so the books is calles stardust as well? LOL i know it's a funny question =P

Liz / Ying Xiang said...

yeps, Stardust by Neil Gaiman.